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Trinity Center Community Church



Please pray for our church and our Pastoral Search Committee as we seek God's guidance.  We can't wait to meet who God has chosen to be our Teacher/Shepherd!

We are currently conducting a pastoral search for our small, rural, non-denominational church, to replace our pastor of twelve years who has recently accepted another ministry.  (To learn more about the history of Trinity Center Community Church, visit the sub menu under the Home page menu of this website.)

We hold firm to the belief that the Holy Bible is the inspired Word of God, and we look to the Bible and God's leading in all our paths.  (Please refer to our Doctrinal Statement, under "What We Believe.")

The church operates under direction of our church's Constitution/Bylaws in order to maintain consistency in operations and maintaining the physical part of the church property, which is 100% owned by Trinity Center Community Church.


  • Fulfill the biblical qualifications of 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9.

  • Agree with Trinity Center Community Church Doctrinal Statement.

  • A minimum of a Bachelor’s Degree in Theology from an accredited Bible College or equivalent coursework from an accredited Bible College.

  • Specific educational plan for future biblical studies.

  • Ordained or willing to be ordained within 3 years.

  • Significant pastoral and preaching experience.

  • Ability to preach and teach God’s Word in a clear, engaging, God-honoring way. Expository, verse by verse, preaching/teaching preferred with topical as needed.

  • Possess administrative, managerial, and technological skills.

  • Officiate at weddings.


  • Demonstrate a clear testimony of faith and a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.

  • Exemplify the biblical qualifications for pastoral eldership found in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9.

  • Maintain a strong devotional life of studying God’s Word, prayer and worship.

  • Live out and teach a lifestyle of adherence to biblical standards of morality, ethics and the fruit of the Spirit.

  • Servant leader, with a humble heart, compassion, wisdom, honesty, integrity and unity.

  • Strong interpersonal skills with the ability to relate to all age groups.


  • Preach/teach Sunday Morning Service and Tuesday night Bible Study and Prayer time.

  • Work with the Worship Leader in preparing Worship Services.

  • Participate in and oversee the Christian education of all ages. 

  • Oversee planning of Community Outreach activities in the community.

  • All church administration duties, including office, building and grounds maintenance, oversee and/or delegate as appropriate.

  • Regularly lead congregation in Communion monthly and baptisms as needed.

  • Officiate for funerals and church meetings.

  • Provide emotional/spiritual support to those hospitalized, sick, shut-ins, grieving, and those in need.

  • Provide spiritual oversight and leadership; oversee and enforce church discipline; and provide appropriate godly counseling to those in need.

  • Maintain contact with supported church missions, including but not limited to Trinity Teen Challenge, Kidder Creek Camps, Gideons, KVIP Radio and Our Daily Bread.

  • Involvement in non-church community programs and events.


Please use the contact form below to express your interest. We will respond with an email address where you can submit the following:. 

  • Resume with references

  • Testimony of your and your wife’s conversion

  • Brief account of why you feel led to explore this opportunity

  • A brief doctrinal statement (if you have a lengthier one already prepared, please send it)

  • Recorded examples of your preaching    

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